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  4. Clean Your Whole House In Less Time
Clean Your Whole House In Less Time

Clean Your Whole House In Less Time

  • Contributed by Anna Moseley of AskAnna

    The holidays are always such a busy time of year. I don't know about you, but I feel like we attend Christmas parties all month long, then Christmas morning comes and goes and you're left with a messy house, but you're so tired you almost don't even care... almost, but not quite.

    Today I'm going to share 5 quick tips that will get your house back to sparkling, and give you more time to lay on the couch and relax after a crazy holiday season, because clean is the perfect way to start a new year.

3-in1 Microfiber Cloth

Clean Your Whole House In Less Time

  • 1. Dusting

    If you've been following me for a while then you know how much I dislike dusting. The Scotch-Brite 3-in1 Microfiber Cloth makes it an easy task though because you can clean/dust everything from top to bottom!

    Start with the light fixtures and taller items, then work your way all the way down to the coffee table.

    Being able to use one microfiber cloth makes dusting go much faster, and it's super easy too. Challenge yourself to see how quickly you can get it done, I finished mine in just one Katy Perry song! ;)

  • 2. Windows and Mirrors

    Next are the windows and mirrors, and guess what, we're going to use the same microfiber cloth to clean them! Using microfiber cloths is such an easy way to cut down cleaning time because you don't have to keep switching out products, and it saves you tons of money because you aren't buying products you don't need.

    Rinse the microfiber cloth out in the sink, make sure to get all the dust out, then wring it out. Now you're ready to clean all the windows and mirrors!

    Challenge yourself to see how quickly you can get the task done. If you make cleaning a challenge, you'll find it becomes more fun and less of a chore.

  • 3. Bathrooms

    I think we can all agree that bathrooms are the worst. I don't know anyone that likes getting down and scrubbing the toilets, which is why I love the Disposable Toilet Scrubber.

    It's a fast and easy way to clean the toilet that doesn't require you getting down and dirty. Use the toilet scrubber to clean the toilet bowl, then use a sanitizing wipe to wipe down the flushing handle, the toilet seat and lid.

    Using this method, you'll have the toilet sparkly clean in just a couple of minutes and you'll never have to dread cleaning them again!

    To clean the bathroom sinks and countertops, spray them down with your favorite cleaner, then use the microfiber cloth to wipe them up. You can have your whole bathroom clean in less than 5 minutes!

  • 4. Floors

    Floors can be a doozy, if you let them get away from you, so I'm going to share my secret for never letting them get too bad. I have a small cordless vacuum that I use every day to vacuum up "problem areas" when I see them.

    Vacuuming for a few minutes every day is much easier than letting the floors get really dirty and vacuuming them all at once. Then, when it comes time to cleaning them you don't have to spend 20 minutes vacuuming first.

    Run the electric vacuum over any dirty spot you notice, then steam clean your floors to get them clean and sanitized. Since I started cleaning my floors this way it has cut my floor cleaning time in 1/2!

  • 5. Kitchen

    Throughout the holiday season the kitchen gets lots of use so it’s time to give it some TLC. Start by checking the oven to see if it needs cleaning. If it’s dirty from cooking the Thanksgiving turkey and the Christmas ham use my method to make it clean as new, using an Extreme Scrub Spongeand baking soda (click HERE for the full tutorial).

    While the baking soda is working it's magic, use the Extreme Shine Pad to polish your stovetop and make it sparkle.

    Next, take everything off the countertops, spray them with your favorite cleaner and wipe them down using the microfiber cloth. Replace the items on the counter and go back to check on the oven, it should be ready to finish up. Now it's time to sit down and relax! You've cleaned your house from top to bottom, and in less time than you've ever done it before! Not only is your house clean from all the hustle and bustle of Christmas, but you've also learned a few tricks for how to keep your house cleaner and how to save money by cutting down on the amount of products you have to buy! For more tips and tricks, check out the Scotch-Brite Uses & Tips on their site.

    I love sitting down to relax and being able to enjoy a freshly cleaned home! Now to find the motivation to take down the Christmas decorations...

    This post has been adapted by Anna Moseley from the original, which you may read on http://askannamoseley.com/2015/12/5-tips-to-clean-your-house-in-less-time/

whole_home microfiber_cloth disposable_toilet_scrubber extreme_scrub_sponge extreme_shine_pad